Automate Accounts Receivable

Fazeshift works with your existing tools to automate invoicing, cash application, and collections so you can get back to running your business.

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Everything you need to automate Accounts Receivable and scale confidently.

Automate your Accounts Receivable process from end-to-end so you can get back to what matters most - growing your business.

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Tracking invoices is easier than ever

It's time to ditch the spreadsheet for something that can scale.

Turn sales contracts into invoices in seconds

Now it's easy to send the right invoice at the right time.

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Getting paid on time is a breeze

Simply set your customer reminders on auto-pilot and let Fazeshift handle the rest.

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Why choose us

The Accounts Receivable experts

Fazeshift is a full-service Accounts Receivable solution. Scale your business efficiently knowing your financial operations are sound.

Complete Visibility

Save your team valuable time and improve visibility into your A/R process. Get notifications as things occur and alerted if any action is needed.

Improve Cash Flow

Get paid faster with an optimized A/R collections routine. Reduce DSO and maximize cash flow so you can get back to running your business.

Expert Support

We are here to help - our experts are here to support you every step of the way so you can have peace of mind.

Contract to Invoice

Generate invoices, no matter how complex the contract.

Effortlessly turn any contract into accurate invoices.

Generate Invoices

Easily turn a sales contract into accurate invoices every time. Now it's easy to streamline the A/R process from end-to-end so you don't have to keep coming back.

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    Complex billing terms
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    Manage draft invoices
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    Customer information included
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Send Invoices

Never miss sending an invoice again. Effortlessly queue invoices for sending at exactly the right time.

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    Complex billing cadences
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    Schedule future invoices
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    Multiple sending methods
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Cash Application

AI-powered cash application

With Fazeshift, you no longer have to review bank statements. Our software automatically handles payment matching so you always know what invoices are paid or overdue.

Payment Matching

Easily handle payment matching, regardless of how your customer decided to pay. Whether ACH, Credit Card, or even physical check - Fazeshift has it covered.

Seamlessly Sync

From notifying you about the payment, to reconciling the payment in your accounting platform, Fazeshift handles the process from start to finish so you don't have to.

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One-click integration with your existing tools.

Get up and running using your existing tech stack to minimize disruption to your team and your end customer. Seamlessly integrate in minutes.

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Talk to us

Automated A/R is just a click away!

We'd be happy to walk you through a demo or discuss how we can automate your A/R process. Schedule time with our sales team today.

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